Recent News
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Natural Gas
The City of Granby has a natural gas pipeline. If you smell gas, leave the area immediately and call 911.
Cultural Resource Survey
Please be aware that in the coming weeks MSU Center for Archaeological Research will be potholing for the Cultural Resource Survey for our new water system. They should be within the right-of-way but that often that still puts them in people’s front yards. They will be carrying a letter from city hall if you have questions. Thanks for your patience as we navigate the ins and outs of a getting a new water system.
Employment Opportunity
The City of Granby is now accepting applications for a Facility and Grounds Maintenance position. Please apply at City Hall.
Fire Department
The Granby Fire Department is now accepting applications for volunteer fire fighters. Applications are available at City Hall.
Weekly Senior Luncheon to begin January 18, 2024. Lunch will be served every Thursday from 11:30 to 12:30 at the Senior Center.